
英文特生物技术(北京)有限公司成功研发出五十多个全新的生命科学研究领域蛋白提取产品,其中具有多个特色产品,为蛋白提取分 离带来了新方案, 从原有的溶液法转换为柱式提取法。我公司产品 均具有快捷、易用、产量高及重复性好的特性。在短短几年中,产品 以其稳定的品质获得了世界各国越来越多的科研,药物开发及临床诊 断机构的青睐。

    订购信息:EI-027 / 6900.00元/20ml

    Minute™ 高效外泌体沉淀试剂 EI-027

    Minute™ Hi-Efficiency Exosome Precipitation Reagent


    外泌体是由细胞分泌的小囊泡,它们存在于各种体液中,如血清、腹水、脊髓液、尿液和唾液。培养的细胞也会分泌大量的外泌体。外泌体的直径在30-120纳米。外泌体的生物功能被认为是细胞间的信使。传统分离和富集外泌体一般利用过滤和超高速离心方法 ,过程繁琐耗时。外泌体还可以通过沉淀法快速富集。目前,几乎所有的商业化外泌体沉淀试剂是使用聚乙二醇(PEG)。MinuteTM高效外泌体沉淀试剂使用非PEG配方,用于体液和细胞培养液中总外泌体的沉淀。不像其他产品每种不同样品都需要相应的试剂盒,本试剂盒可以用相同的试剂和类似的操作步骤来完成不同样品外泌体的富集。







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      2. fangyuan gao etal (2018).A novel strategy for facile serum exosome isolation based on specific interactions between phospholipid bilayers and TiO2.Chem. Sci., DOI: 10.1039/C8SC04197K.
      3. Tan, Y., Nie, W., Chen, C., He, X., Xu, Y., Ma, X., ... & Wang, W. (2019). Mesenchymal stem cells alleviate hypoxia-induced oxidative stress and enhance the pro-survival pathways in porcine islets. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1535370219844472.DOI: 10.1177/1535370219844472

      4.Cheng, P., Feng, F., Yang, H., Jin, S., Lai, C., Wang, Y., & Bi, J. (2020). Detection and significance of exosomal mRNA expression profiles in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningeal carcinomatosis. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 1-14.

      5.Lu, T., Zhang, Z., Zhang, J., Pan, X., Zhu, X., Wang, X., ... & Yan, M. (2022). CD73 in small extracellular vesicles derived from HNSCC defines tumour‐associated immunosuppression mediated by macrophages in the microenvironment. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 11(5), e12218.

      6.Theel, E. K., & Schwaminger, S. P. (2022). Microfluidic Approaches for Affinity-Based Exosome Separation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(16), 9004.

      7.Xiaoyu Pan, Lin Yang, Shuqi Wang, Yanhui Liu, Lin Yue, Shuchun Chen,Semaglutide alleviates inflammation-Induced endothelial progenitor cells injury by inhibiting MiR-155 expression in macrophage exosomes,International Immunopharmacology,Volume 119,2023

      8.Omrani, M., Beyrampour-Basmenj, H., Jahanban-Esfahlan, R., Talebi, M., Raeisi, M., Serej, Z. A., ... & Ebrahimi-Kalan, A. (2023). Global trend in exosome isolation and application: an update concept in management of diseases. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 1-13.

      9.Cheng, C., Wang, P., Yang, Y., Du, X., Xia, H., Liu, J., ... & Liu, Q. (2023). Smoking‐Induced M2‐TAMs, via circEML4 in EVs, Promote the Progression of NSCLC through ALKBH5‐Regulated m6A Modification of SOCS2 in NSCLC Cells. Advanced Science, 2300953.

      10.Chen, G., Pu, G., Wang, L., Li, Y., Liu, T., Li, H., ... & Luo, X. (2023). Cysticercus pisiformis-derived novel-miR1 targets TLR2 to inhibit the immune response in rabbits. Frontiers in Immunology, 14.

      11.Cheng, C., Wang, P., Yang, Y., Du, X., Xia, H., Liu, J., ... & Liu, Q. (2023). Smoking‐Induced M2‐TAMs, via circEML4 in EVs, Promote the Progression of NSCLC through ALKBH5‐Regulated m6A Modification of SOCS2 in NSCLC Cells. Advanced Science, 2300953.
